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Python Intro

History of python

Python, the beloved snake of the programming world, boasts a rich and fascinating history. Let's take a slither through its key milestones: Late 1980s: Genesis in the Netherlands Guido van Rossum, inspired by ABC and his love for Monty Python's Flying Circus, starts conceptualizing Python at CWI in the Netherlands. The goal: create a successor to ABC, emphasizing code readability and programmer productivity. 1991: Python Emerges (Version 0.9.0) The initial release sees the light of day, offering basic functionalities and a clear, concise syntax. Focus on readability and ease of use attracts a small but dedicated community. 1994: Python 1.0 Arrives This release marks a significant step forward, introducing functional programming tools like lambda, map, filter, and reduce. Python begins to gain traction, used for system administration and scripting tasks. 2000: Python 2.0 Ushers in New Features Garbage collection simplifies memory management, improving stability and performance. List comprehensions offer a more concise way to create and manipulate lists. Python 2.0 becomes the de facto standard, establishing a large user base. 2008: Python 3.0: A Bold Move Major revisions address limitations of Python 2.0 but break backward compatibility. The transition proves challenging, but Python 3.0 lays the groundwork for future advancements. 2011: Python 3 Surpasses Python 2 in Popularity Developers gradually embrace Python 3, recognizing its long-term benefits. The future lies with Python 3, with Python 2 officially reaching its end-of-life in 2020. Present Day: A Flourishing Ecosystem Python remains one of the most popular programming languages globally, used across diverse domains. Its active community, comprehensive libraries, and continuous evolution position it for a bright future.


★python ★ history
